Lee Iacocca once said “We are often presented with great opportunities disguised as insolvable problems.”
As advisors it has been excruciating to watch the economy fluctuate and collapse. As a friend, a family member, or a colleague it has been even more painful to watch the people that we care about lose their homes, their jobs, and their money. With these extreme changes it is only natural that it has an impact on your own self-confidence and collectively on the confidence of your clients.
One of the things I’m sure of even with all the uncertainty we’re facing in the changing global economy is that in five or ten years we will look back on this time and see that it was when great fortunes were made. Unfortunately for most it will be only in hindsight that we see that the opportunities were boundless and right in front of our noses, if only we were willing to look.
The intention of this...
Throughout our lives, we’ll be challenged by the skill of public speaking. We see it in classrooms, on television, and on social media. But it’s not as easy as it looks. Many people develop social anxiety when it comes to public speaking. What if you mess up your speech? What if you freeze up?
There are many unfortunate things that can happen when public speaking, which is why I will always stress that you should be as prepared as possible. You may have all your material for your speech or presentation down, but that doesn’t guarantee that you’ll stay calm and collected when the time comes to deliver it. As someone who has been there, I am here to share my ways to conquer social anxiety when public speaking.
In my recent YouTube video, What to Do if You Get Nervous While Public Speaking, I remember the first time I had to present in a large crowd of roughly two thousand people. I had the classic butterflies in my stomach and felt a swarm of anxiety. But I was...
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