Learn how to deliver a kick-ass presentation, own the room, and match the quality of your delivery with the quality of your information.
Right now, you can get instant access to:
How To Deliver A Kick-Ass Presentation Digital Course
A program that will support your continued growth as a strong communicator and presenter.
Ready to go into your next presentation with total confidence and clarity?
Meet your new Communication and Public Speaking Coach, Teresa Easler!

With over 35 years of experience coaching thousands of people, Teresa Easler is the communication expert who provides the guidance, methodologies and tools you need to make a difference in your confidence and public speaking abilities.
As CEO of Connect To The Core Inc., a successful Communication Coaching and Business Strategy firm, Teresa has a gift for helping people step into who they are authentically and communicate from a place of passion, which enables them to reach their goals. She supports you to communicate from the best of who you are in order to inspire others. In other words – real communication, not just data exchange.
Hi! I'm Teresa Easler, and I'm so happy that you're here.
I’ve been wrapped up in the world of presentations for a long time – with a professional public speaking background to now coaching thousands of people on their own communication and presentation skills – and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
This How To Deliver a Kick-Ass Presentation course was created to provide coaching support in a time-effective and low cost format. Each module is carefully crafted to provide you with tools of the most important presentation skills that you can implement in a single afternoon.
There are a lot of presentation skills that people often overlook – especially in our fast-paced society. This course will walk you through the nuances of delivering a presentation while considering small details that add up to big details. Things like pausing and your vocal texture, eye contact (even on Zoom!), your energy and projection, and so much more.
After observing thousands of presentations over the years, this course breaks down the key areas that make a good presentation – great.
I’m committed to sharing how this communication journey can create a massive transformation.
One of my favourite things in life is watching my clients shift from a place of anxiety and fear to total confidence in their ability to capture opportunities, speak up and share their value. It’s the reason why I do what I do.
I’m incredibly excited for you to begin your journey to becoming a kick-ass presenter, because the other side is oh-so-worth it. The possibilities once you understand these principles are truly limitless.
What's inside this Digital Course?
7 powerful video modules
It's time to deliver a presentation that gets you results by learning the techniques used by the world’s top presenters. Through these lessons, you’ll begin to understand that everyone has the potential to deliver a kick-ass presentation with the right communication tool belt. After completing this program, you’ll have all the power and confidence to own any room you walk into, connect with your audience, and achieve any outcome you set out for yourself. You have the content and you have the ideas. All you need now are some strong delivery techniques to convey your information. This course will help get you there.

Each lesson has worksheets!
The How To Deliver A Kick-Ass Presentation Digital Course also includes a complimentary PDF summary with each lesson. Learn through the video modules and on-the-go with your lesson printouts.
Here are the lesson topics:

The Introduction, Pausing and Eye Contact

Vocal Texture

Energy and Projection

Authentic Feelings


Gone are the days where you don't know how to share authentically to get results.
I think it’s safe to say that public speaking is a big fear for most people. And understandably so. Getting up in front of an audience means being vulnerable. And vulnerability is not always a pleasant or easy thing. If it were, everyone would do it all the time.
Being vulnerable requires opening yourself up to the criticism of others, which, to put it bluntly, can be TERRIFYING. I remember giving presentations in university and feeling that sinking feeling that we all get from time to time.
And while it can be scary, being vulnerable (aka delivering a kick-ass presentation) also means a world of new possibilities.
There’s a quote by Babe Ruth that says, “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”
The fact is, presentations and public speaking are inevitable in nearly every career, and it’s something we all have to do at one point or another – whether we like it or not.
What if you had access to all of the tools and secrets that professional public speakers use to deliver compelling presentations? What would that kind of tune-up do for your life and career?
Whether you’re a seasoned professional who needs a tune up on their presentation skills, or someone who’s brand new to public speaking and delivering regular presentations – the How To Deliver a Kick-Ass Presentation program is the roadmap to becoming a masterful presenter.
If this resonates with you, then your journey to delivering kick-ass presentations begins now.

We speak an average of 16,000 words per day, yet most of us don't use our words effectively.
Still wondering why mastering communication is so important? Here are a few facts:
In a 4 year college degree, half of what students learn in their first year is going to be outdated by their third year of study.
Today's learner is going to have between 10 and 14 jobs by the age of 38
For the first time in our history, we have four generations working side by side. Traditionalist, Boomer, Gen X, Millennial. And they all communicate very differently: “write me”, “call me”, “email me”, “text me”.
The divorce rate in North America is nearly 50%. And the number one cause that’s cited for the end of these marriages is poor communication.
Throughout all of these changes and unknowns, the only thing that’s constant is good communication.
Whether it’s in your career or personal life – mastering the art of communication allows you to clearly define your goals and desires, boundaries and feelings, and effectively cultivate thriving relationships with those around you.
If you know presenting or speaking up is essential for your growth, then this is for you.
In fact...
There are people all over the world who have transformed their communication skills with Teresa's support.
Here's what they're saying:

Emilie Cushman
Founder & CEO, Kira Talent
Although I am very familiar with public speaking and have been doing it for many years, my sessions with Teresa ultimately helped me take my public speaking abilities to a whole other level. From helping you with your choice of words, to when you pause, Teresa's coaching has helped me deliver my most impactful speeches to date.

Doug Kern
Sr. Director, CMC & Regulatory Affairs
eGenesis, Inc.
“Through Teresa's excellent work, [I was] able to take a very technically complex gene therapy story and simplify it to a level that the average "man on the street" could readily understand and appreciate. Her insights helped [our] company frame our message in such a way that it was understandable to a largely non-scientific audience without minimizing the importance and elegance of the technology's scientific breakthroughs. I'd [work with] her again in a heartbeat!"

Greg Lonsdale
Field Sales Manager, PCNA
I love working with Teresa Easler because she provided me with strategies and lessons that made the impossible “possible”! Teresa taught me to be more adaptable by giving me the resources and guidance I needed to market myself and pursue a successful game plan. Teresa is inspiring and has a fun personality that makes her great to work with. I highly recommend her programs if you want to sharpen your game!
If you’ve been wanting to...
- Go from terrified to totally confident in front of a group of people
- Know that what you have to say matters AND know how to say it in a compelling way
- Learn the secrets of top presenters and apply them to your own presentations
- Be seen and acknowledged as someone who is good at what they do
- Confidently speak up and own your voice
Then the How To Deliver A Kick-Ass Presentation Digital Course was made for you, my friend.
There's more to communicating what's on your mind than just blurting it out...
This course will teach you the 6 different factors that affect your presentation and communication skills and all the advanced tips that will allow you to:
- Embrace speaking about the value you provide
- Make your presentations interesting and engaging
- Adjust your volume to get people's attention and avoid a monotonous presentation
- Take control of the energy in the room
- Control and master your language by eliminating some words and using alternatives
When You Purchase the
How To Deliver A Kick-Ass Presentation Digital Course
($560 For Just $197)
You'll Also Receive All Of These Bonuses:
(These bonuses will help you go even deeper into the lessons in this online training)
Meditation Track: The 7 Minute Full Body Relaxing & Grounding Meditation
This quick and powerful 7 minute meditation was created to allow you to stop right where you are, fully relax and ground your body from head to toe. It will bring you into the right state of mind – calm, focused and present – so you can take on the day or deliver a kick-ass presentation.

Coaching Call With Shannon Doyle
Gain access to a 30-minute long Coaching Call with Shannon (a Kick-Ass Certified Coach) to support you in the areas that are keeping you stuck in your communication.
When Shannon isn’t coaching people on their presentation skills, she’s a marketing strategist and business coach for Connect To The Core. She’s worked with entrepreneurs from many different industries and backgrounds and has helped people improve their communication skills alongside Teresa for over 15 years. Our clients love her sense of humor, enthusiasm, and the work she does to support their efforts. We know that you will love her too!
Presentation Self-Assessment Checklist
Ever wish you could coach yourself on your communication? Well, now you can with this Communication Self-Coaching tool! This tool was created out of coaching hundreds of people on their presentations using the exact method that Teresa uses to evaluate presenters and provide them with feedback. It’s incredibly valuable and we're so excited to be offering it as a bonus when you enroll in How To Deliver a Kick-Ass Presentation!

Audio of Become A Communicaiton Rockstar Online Learning
In this audio program, you’ll be guided through the 9 skills of all master presenters, get support in understanding what stage you’re at, and some tips on how you can improve your presentation skills immediately. This audio program includes 13 quick modules with actionable tips. You can deep dive into this course in a single afternoon and begin improving your presentation skills right away. How cool is that? You'll also get access to the highly coveted Communication Rockstar Scorecard PDF so you can score yourself on-the-go!
The What If Exercise
Do you ever find yourself worrying about the worst-case scenario so much that it paralyzes you? If you've ever felt stuck worrying about what *might* happen, the What If exercise is for you, my friend. A common fear with presentations is forgetting what you were going to say. This exercise will help you eliminate those spiraling thought patterns and help you think through scenarios from a realistic and rational place. Anxiety hates this tool.

This is a limited time offer at this discount...
So, enjoy access now!
Here is my only if this resonates guarantee:
I 100% guarantee that you'll love learning from the 6 lessons taught in my How To Deliver A Kick-Ass Presentation Digital Course, or I'll return your full investment and let you keep the program anyway.
If you don’t feel that the How To Deliver A Kick-Ass Presentation Digital Course is worth what you just paid, then send me an email within 30 days and I’ll refund you. No questions asked.
How is that for supporting you in your exciting communication and public speaking transformation?
And so…