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What Kind of Communicator Are You Really? This Scorecard Will Help You Find Out

Are you someone who loves quizzes? You know, those famous Buzzfeed ones that tell you what kind of bread you would be based on questions about your personality? Or the old Cosmopolitan quizzes that reveal who your celebrity boyfriend or girlfriend would be?

Personally, I’m a big fan of quizzes like these. Even if most of them aren’t overly intellectual, they’re a lot of fun and have the potential to be quite revealing – even if you don’t take them too seriously.

Interactive Content Is the New Way

I’m not the only one who finds themselves drawn to these types of quizzes. Thousands and thousands of people engage in interactive content every single day. It was found that 96% of users who start Buzzfeed quizzes finish them, and there’s a quiz on their website called “What City Should You Actually Live In?” that’s been viewed over 22 million times (1).

Knowing statistics like these, it’s clear that people love quizzes and interactive content. They’re an amazing medium to keep people engaged with your platforms, learn something about themselves and compare their results with others to spark conversation.

In general, as humans, we love to compare ourselves to others, which has both positive and negative elements. When it comes to fun quizzes from Buzzfeed or Cosmo, you can’t really go wrong.

Knowing how much I (and the internet) enjoy online quizzes and self-assessments, I created a scorecard that is Buzzfeed-esque, and reveals what kind of communicator you are. Think: a fun self-assessment plus actionable steps you can take to start improving your communication right now. Head to this link to download it. Now, let’s talk a bit more about how this scorecard works and what it can do for you on your communication journey.

How The Communication Rockstar Scorecard Was Born

This Are You a Presentation Rockstar? Scorecard has evolved over many years from the work we do in our signature course, Encore Communication Coaching. After coaching hundreds of people on their communication skills for over 30 years and being a professional public speaker myself, I identified the 9 most important characteristics that were common among all successful communicators and public speakers.

Since communication is such a nuanced topic that’s difficult to ‘measure’ success in, this scorecard was developed to break down the key areas of communication in an easy-to-understand way and give actionable tips to begin improving immediately.

What does it mean to begin improving your communication immediately you might ask?

Well, things like your mindset surrounding communication, how you prepare for your presentations and how authentic you are (three characteristics of all successful public speakers, by the way) can be improved once you recognize them and begin to understand their importance.

How This Scorecard Works

Let’s look at the Mindset characteristic as an example and what it means in the context of this scorecard. What we mean by Mindset is, ‘what is your attitude or opinion about communication? How do you think about being a presenter?’

If you’re in the lower range of Mindset, the 1 to 3 range, it means you don’t have any interest in being a better presenter and don’t see the value in developing that skill. In contrast, if you’re in the 10-12 range, you’re someone who recognizes that to become more successful in your career, business, and life, you have to be able to persuade and influence others. Since you keep up with our blog and social media, feel free to score yourself on the higher end – your mindset is spot on.

As you can see in this scorecard preview, each of the 9 characteristics has these ranges. At the end of filling out the scorecard and adding up the numbers for the individual characteristics, you’ll have your final score.   

On the next page after the scorecard itself, you’ll get all of the actionable steps you could ever want to begin improving your communication skills. You’ll know the exact areas that need some work and any fogginess you have surrounding your communication and ‘where you’re at’ will be lifted.

If that sounds like it would be a relief to you, you won’t want to miss out. Click here to get your hands on our signature scorecard.

If you’ve already filled in the scorecard and are eager to start seeing serious long-term results in your public speaking – visit this page to learn more about our signature program, Encore Communication Coaching. Our next round kicks off on our March 7th.

To continue learning about all things communication, public speaking, sales and more –make sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn so you never miss a tip or insight.

Happy quizzing!


  1. 10 Statistics that Prove Interactive Content is The Future

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