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5 Simple Spiritual Practices To Boost Longevity and Live a More Meaningful Life

As a coach, I often get asked how to live a happier and healthier life. There are so many approaches and opinions to achieving this goal, and when it comes down to it, I believe that one of the most meaningful things we can do is recognize that we are more than just our human body. 

Our bodies are incredibly important, of course, and a key aspect to feeling more connected within our lives is understanding that we are so much more than what we can physically see in the mirror. 

Ultimately, we are physical, emotional and spiritual beings, and all of these aspects of ourselves need attention and care if we want to live a long, meaningful life. Enter spirituality.

Spirituality can mean many different things depending on the context. For some people it’s tied to religion, and for others it might be more about a sense of purpose or connection to something greater. To me, it’s all about finding something that resonates with your deepest values and beliefs, and using that as a guiding force to navigate the ups and downs of life – whatever that looks like.

So, what are some simple spiritual practices you can implement into your life to boost longevity and even increase your happiness in the short term? Keep on reading for five things that I recommend.


Practice mindful walking

For the most part, walking is an activity we do on autopilot that gets us from point A to point B. To tap into more mindfulness throughout your day and feel more spiritually connected, walking can be a great place to start. It’s a simple task that allows you to pay attention to your surroundings and tap into how your body is feeling. This can help you feel more present and alive and even reduce stress and anxiety.

Wondering how to do this? The first step (no pun intended) is on your next walk – either indoors or outdoors – start paying attention to the physical sensations of your feet touching the ground.

As you walk, notice the texture of the ground beneath your feet, the temperature of the air around you, and any sounds or smells in your environment. Do your best to stay present with each step, rather than allowing your mind to wander to other thoughts or distractions.

As you continue walking, begin to focus your attention on your breath. Notice the rhythm of your inhales and exhales, and if you can, synchronize your steps with your breath. If you find your mind starting to wander, gently bring your attention back. You can even try out a walking meditation – my favorite place to find these is on the Insight Timer app.

Mindful walking is a powerful way to deepen your connection to yourself and the world around you. If you try it out, let me know how it goes for you over on our Instagram


Spend time with loved ones

Human beings are social creatures by nature, and our relationships with others play a critical role in our overall health and wellbeing. Numerous studies have shown that prioritizing social bonds and spending time with loved ones can have a significant impact on our longevity and quality of life (1). When we feel connected to people, we’re more likely to have a positive outlook on life which can translate into better physical health outcomes over time.

Another benefit to social connections? They provide a sense of accountability and motivation for healthy actions. When we have loved ones who support us in our efforts to eat well, exercise regularly, and maintain healthy habits, we’re more likely to stick with those behaviors.

So, make time for the people you love. Call them, visit them, or just send a quick text to let them know you're thinking of them. It goes a long way. And if you find this is an area of your life with some room for improvement (lone wolves – I’m talking to you), join a club or get involved in an activity you’re passionate about where you can meet new people and form new connections.


Ponder the impermanence of life

Meditation is a powerful tool to connect with our inner selves and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us. If you keep up with us on social media or through our email list, you know I’m a big fan of meditating. One aspect of meditation that I like to focus on is the idea that we’re more than just our bodies, and that the physical realm is temporary. Stay with me here.

To actively meditate on this idea, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and focus your attention on your breath as you inhale and exhale. As you continue to breathe, start to visualize your physical body, and ponder the idea that it’s the vessel that carries your consciousness. 

If it helps, you can imagine your body as a car and your consciousness as the driver. In the same way that the car is separate from the driver, your body is not the same thing as your consciousness. They’re connected as they’re in motion, and they’re not the same.

When we accept that our physical form is fleeting and that our consciousness is who we truly are, over time, we free ourselves from a lot of fear and anxiety. Deepak Chopra talks more about this idea and refers to it as the “exit strategy” –  feel free to check out that article here (2).

Through regular practice, we can learn to let go of our attachment to our physical form and embrace the eternal nature of our consciousness, which can lead to a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment.


Take time to recharge through something you're passionate about

Whether it's painting, hiking, or playing an instrument, taking time to pursue something you're passionate about can be a powerful way to recharge your batteries and cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment in life. You know that feeling of being in the zone? Where you lose track of time and become fully absorbed in the activity? That’s what I’m describing here. 

When we feel fulfilled and energized by our hobbies and interests, we’re more likely to be present and engaged in other areas of our lives, and we’re less likely to feel drained or overwhelmed as easily.

When we’re pursuing passions that are aligned with our values and goals, it’s easier to maintain a sense of direction and purpose, and feel more fulfilled and content. All of these things equate to longevity in life.


Practice gratitude every day

Research has shown that practicing gratitude can have a profound impact on our mental and emotional state (3).  By focusing on what we’re grateful for, we can shift our attention away from the negative thoughts and emotions that we all have, and reduce symptoms of depression or anxiety.

Gratitude has also been linked to physical health benefits. Studies have found that practicing gratitude can improve our sleep quality, boost our immune system function, and even lower our risk for heart disease and other chronic health conditions. 

Gratitude can be as simple as jotting down a few things you're grateful for each morning or evening, or even taking a moment to silently reflect throughout your day. I’m personally a big fan of the Five Minute Journal. If you want to learn more about how and why I use it every morning and night, check out this video.



I truly don’t know where I would be without things like meditation, mindfulness or intentionally practicing gratitude throughout my day. By implementing small spiritual practices into your routine, you’ll be happier and healthier and will be set up for a longer, more fulfilled life.

You don’t have to be religious or even spiritual to implement these practices, and my personal beliefs might not align with yours, which is more than okay. What’s most important is that you feel connected to yourself and to your life – however that looks for you. Whether it’s mindful walking, calling a loved one, remembering that you’re more than just your physical body, recharging through something you’re passionate about or practicing gratitude – do something today that fills your cup. Your future self will thank you for it.

If you found this blog post helpful and want to be in the loop as soon as we publish our next one, you can subscribe to our newsletter here. Also – be sure to follow us on InstagramLinkedIn and Facebook for more tips and tricks on all things mindfulness, communication, public speaking and more.



  1. How Your Social Life Might Help You Live Longer
  2. Deepak Chopra's 3 Must-Have Spirituality Tips To Boost Longevity
  3. Giving thanks can make you happier


Other Links

  1. Insight Timer App
  2. What is The Five-Minute Journal?

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